Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In my experience learning English at university  is a good esperience although  is a subject very difficult for me. Also is good the use of blogs for understand  various  topic in English and is more entertaining the class in computer room  that to be in class room.

I think that I have to improve more my english, for example even is very difficult for me the  listening activity  in general I do not understand the  conversation  that I listen to class. 

I know that I have to practice more but  I do not like,  from I am children that I do not like, was always  difficult for me, I never remember the word in english and every time  I bad feel only for to be in the class room. I would like that this to exchange because I know that english is very important for my future profesional. 
whe finish the class english at university I have continue learning English in other place.
I like to be honest, I not use  free time in English because I dont like english, I know that this to be bad for this I decide do something for exchange. why download games in English  in my Tablet  and every day  I playing  a short time. This help me to learn more English  vocabulary and I make more entertaining learning English. 

activity I do with my little sister , she will also download games for children in English , to learn , always asking me question  things I was not know in English , I hope that it is not as difficult as for my English. 

  Someday I hope to have a good command of English.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

This is good year for me  because  my family is healthy  and all to are well.
Good things that have happened in my life is that I am studying and I like many  Psichology. Also that my little sister is in the school and  is a happy children this  is very important for me. My older sister have a Good job, my nephew  and my mother  is well. 

I am happy for this year find my pet, your name is Nube she is a dog beautiful although every day she destroy some thing,  I love your company.

The  Situations that did not go so well this year were a accident  that I had  with family, a proyect in the university that not manage make  and thing that I not make for lack of money  for example travel to Arica.

My  achievements in 2014 are my degree and I am volunter work  in Protectora de la Infancia  I work with families and children,  and  this is a  gratifying  job.
Things I did not do were travel  around chile  and sleep for a week.  other things that I  still have to do this year is pass english, this is very dificult for my but is very important. Also I  still have to do this year is get practice.
I have not done yet  is  create a pyme,  I have a  idea  and I would like to do this year, when finished college in December 'll have more time and I will make it , I hope everything goes well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My favorite sport is running, I like running  because  is a sport very  entertaining and is good for body. I start to running two years ago with the time I am progress running more and in less time.
 In this moment I running for enjoy my free time but I would like compete in some moment. This sport you help for have a healthy body to reduce your weight and you have more energy, Also is a sport for practice in family in any schedule and is very cheap sport, alone you need  slippers and comfortable clothes, you can practice in different places, for example, a street, a park, a stadium and a beach.

In Santiago, it  is an  increasing  running  group end they  are becoming  very popular, also “family runs”  In diferent communes for example Santiago, Vitacura, Pruente Alto and Maipu, are this is very good because promote  healthy life.

I like go to “family runs”  of 30 on december, this  run be the night before new year,  in PeƱalolen, I would  like go with my family they go in bicycle and I would go torunning. This “family runs”  will be an unforgettable experience for me and for family, I running 10 kilometers i would like I am among the first to reach the goal.

Although  running  is very good  for body, is important know that can damage your  knee , to avoid this, must use a good  slippers.

This is my favorite sport, thank  for your attention. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Experience in the field

In psychology my Experience in the field is very good, In generally we must observe listen record and analyze many thing, I make Psychological evaluations to different people and conduced interviews, I like to do to me are interviews with professionals. 

For example last week I did a interviews or “ Focus Groups” with working in public health center called “COSAM” in commune “Lo Espejo” is entertaining to hear how they to contribute to public health and I anger because they are limited by problems in the public administration for example one psychologist have  200 patients .I like to know that they are critical and they have lots vocation. 

In the first experience in the field I was very insecure but  then I relax.

When I did Psychological evaluation in a school  also was a good experience to work directly with children, but I dont like see as adults  put high expectations on the results and that sometimes interferes negatively on children who evaluated. 

In general I really like the field work I have done Psychology. I like interacting  with people I like to talk and reflect on different issues , and that I do in the field. I have never had problems during the fieldwork and are usually a learning and entertains me a lot.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I think that I would like a job with children because I like children, I think that they need much attention, love and protection. I like help to children not have family or some people that protect to this children. Also I can give me a lot of time spend with my family, friends, pet or my hobby, a nice job. I would like to earn a good salary that allows me to live comfortably.
I would like in a open place, maybe I might job in an institution that job with children in open place, for example it do sport or visit home of children.
I think of a job I have a short schedule, although I could job everyday for eight hours not it would uncomfortable .
I imagine a institution with people more polite, nice and likeable, I imagine job a project very important for help to children. I would like this job gives the opportunity to travel for Chile and the world, it will be even better for me.

It would be ideal if this job is job as psychologist and I would like continue with my study a doctorate or study other thing, for example  law,  for protection of  children.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

In psychology there are several authors  that talk about culture shock, for example Kohls, he talking    that is a  "the most pronounced reactions of psychological disorientation" that In general this it           present when a person change or meet to a very different culture. 

The cultures shock o in Chile is something that in the last time is taking more force because to Chile now is more attractive to immigrant, before did  not have much culture diversity. for example, many  Colombian people come north of Chile,  in general of black  skin this situation  generate problems     with some  chilean person a day in the in the news the Chilean women argued against Colombian    women, said that they took away their husbands and were traffickers this is an example  cultural       shock that   is occurring in Chile, many times prejudice. 


I never experienced a cultural shock in general I relate to people very similar to me and when I met    people from other cultures gives me a lot of curiosity and never experienced a  psycholorical             disorientation I like cultural diversity. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


The best holiday I remember are Two years ago we went to the beach called "Pichilemu". we were there 3 day. Only went my mother, my younger sister and me, this trip was the first time we traveled alone. We stayed in a beautiful hostel in the city center.

The days we were the climate went very good was very sunny and warm weather, we went out to eat a couple of times to restaurants the food was very rich I ate a lot of fish fried it went good, we wandered along the beach on horseback. We also enjoyed craft fairs with local produce and saw the get dark. Although this was a very simple trip for me was special because I was with two very important people to me, I relaxed a lot and had a good time. 

Is very important to spend time with family because generally we spend little time, we should seize every moment with them is simpler than many times for being busy with the routine things we ignore and family is an important pillar. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Why did I choose to study psychology ?

I am study psychology, I choose this discipline because I love interacting with people and understand their problems, when I chose this  I was not sure what I wanted, but psychology is a broad discipline and I thought  that I could decide over time. This election wend a good idea, now I like the  legal psychology.

I did know that the work of psychologist is marked by the interaction with others, in group work or in  individual work, delivering tool, enhancing skills, counseling or planning interventions, this allows us to be a contribution in various fields and context, for example, in the  school, in the a company, in a court or hospital. This is one of the things  that I like more, because it allows us to work in different office environments, while that the specialization is important to be a good professional, good to have a wide range of options to choose specialization.

Why University of Chile? I Never made this question to self, every time think that I wanted study in university of Chile, I was not sure of degree but if the university.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

            I would like to

 I would like to visit Peru to know Machupicchu because is a beautiful place that represent the  latin america culture.Also is a place with more story, a vegetation beautiful and your can walking for all place. Is a place with warm climate, your day is damp and your night is cold weathe. 

I never visit Machupuchu and not know the cost of travel , but varius friend to visit Machupichu, they comment that is cheap visit Peru but Machupichu in special is more expensive place. Also comment  that go to the machupichu have to take a railway or a helicopter because you can not go by car. 

I would lite to visit Machupichu alone of  tourist for know your story, I dont like live there or in PerĆŗ. I would like to visit Machupichu with my family or my boyfiend , I would lite walking for de city and see the get dark. 

I think that Machupicho is a important place for ours continent. 


Friday, June 20, 2014

I like this type of activity because it is important to talk about these issues, I knew something of the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle, but not always the practices although this can help a lot. What I like to do is reuse, is the fun reuse things , especially give a new use something, for example: when you transform an old man dressed, in a cute mini skirt instead of throwing it away
is important that all be aware that they can reduce their carbon footprint and that is a problem that affects us all, every day, so it is important to teach children from a young age the importance of protecting the environment and they can do actively.
currently we see consequences of our mistakes, problems with the seasons or habitat of various species, and this will be worse in the future. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I have always liked learn various thing, but from when I join in the university I not have time, only have time for the university.
I would like learn more thing, to sew clothes, to cook chocolate cake and raspberry cake, I  would like learn to swim, learn chilean dance, learn play poker and learn to drive motorcycle,  my boyfriend have a motorcycle is very nice stroll and is very economic .

 I like more learn is sing, I am very out of tune, but I have been told that you can learn techniques of sing, which could do with a good sing, sometimes sing in karaoke and I feel good singing, this will be entertaining.

Years ago (5 or 6 years) I went to class of “Fabric” in the home squatt and started learning to go up the fabric and I learn make to figure in the fabric, is a difficult training but is very enjoyable, when they closed the house, not train more, the stopped but I would like to pursue, because is activity very good for the body. Also is a good opportunity for share  with more people and learn from their knowledge. 

I think that is good learn, every people can  learn new thing every day, in a conversation  or to  read a book, or  go excercising  to body. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

hello audience.

today I like talk about  the glorious food that sell  in my commune, In Puente Alto,  here food is exquisite and you can eat out quite cheaply. There are various  "picadas" but the I  like is "La Chilenita" is a patisserie and  restaurant, It is a place very old, it have more of 50 years, and the only women work. My grand mother also went  in your youth.

This is a picture of "The Chilenita"

 "the chilenita" have a many range of cake, for example:  chocolate cake, raspberry cake,  orange cake  . Also it have  many  range of bread, but  I like the "Marraqueta" is a good bread.

 I like every  food  that prepare in the chilenita, but I more like is "fast food", I like  "el Italiano",  is good your pizza and "empanadas" accompanied with a good te.

  I love very hot food, and taste. and in the "Chilenita" the food have this caracteristic. 

Also  I recommend "El libano" prepare a good "shawarma"  that  is Arabic food.

In generally I can talk,  that there are some foods that I do not like much, for example the shellfish, why not go to places where prepared.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Hello audience:

My presentation will be about “the forensic interview”, the forensic interview is a technique used for legal psychology.  

The start I am indecisive about the topic, but the good  think and I chose this topic because first I like the legal Psychology, every the topic related are interesting for me, and second because this technique is part important of psychological report that it will be used as “means of legal evidence”.

In my presentation speak about the characters the forensic interview, the type the validate question, of your four phase and speak of your four importance. I think that my presentation it will be in this order, although I am not secure, because still I am work in your contents.

The interview is use as technique in many scope the psychology in clinical for example, for that it are used for legal psychology have to accomplish with specific characteristics, because a bad interview could close a case.

I hope you like this topic that hear me, because I will do my better effort for make to good presentation.



Monday, May 5, 2014

Abandoned dogs¡

Every day in Chile and the world, many animal are maltreatment, is terrible see that the people is bad, negligent or  aggressive with the animals, the cases more  common are the dogs and cats,  many people kick out to pet, this  generate more   cats and dogs street.
Also is terrible see illegal sale, because to animal the utilization only for be crossed, and can sale more animal.

this topic  always to was important for me, but the last 3 month this topic is more important , when  my female friend find seven puppy, they was in a bag,  alone had 3 day of live. My female friend remove to puppy of bag, she the rescue.  this is your photo, the day that  the find.

When I see photo, I think that with adopt can help to reduce this injustice, to help a dog, I can contribute with the change.   I adopt a puppy, my “Nube”.

My “Nube” had six day live, my dog not could see, not could hear, and had your navel string. When difficult day, because I have to feed every two hours and at every instant have heat up

After of time  “Nube” was the only that survive.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Hello audience.

I like the internet, but I am not fanatic of internet, I use popular website, google, Hotmail, facebook and gmail, but I use little time every day. 

The website that use for more time is, the people use for see video and film, but I never the see. Because I and my family use for see the tutorial, I see tutorial about various topic, when I have to repair something in the house or I want cook for example, I see the tutorial for learn, is very entertainer for we.

The use for speak with my family, friend and my boyfriend, little time up a photo I don’t like this, I like comment in the profile of my friends and see the photo of them.

I generally see website for pay debt and buy something, in webcity, with this webcite I can economize many time.

Although I am not fanatic of internet, think that have is good something, because in internet all is possible of find.  

Friday, April 11, 2014

 Hello  audience.

Today I talking about my travel to Punta Arenas,
In september of last  year  I went to VIII psychology congress in the university of Magallanes, 
I trip to Punta Arenas City  was my first travel in airplane,  I was very nervous, duration to travel is of 4 hours, arrive to Punta Arenas in the morning and I had walk in the city for find  hostal. 

 The people es very afectionatte  and courteous, the city is  beautiful and  clean, but is a expensive city. In Punta Arenas you can visit various  tourist place, for example  the cathedral, the , ocean and cemetery and penguin colony, this place I had the opportunity to go and it was really amazing because you can see penguins in their natural avitad.

 Also you can take different tour. I went to national reserve Torres del Paine, is very beautiful, I see glacier. 

This national reserve is one of my fovourite places.  

About me!!
·       Hello  audience ,         My name is Andrea castro, study psychology in the university of chile,  I live with my mother and littler sister  Fernanda. I like psychology and sport.  
I think  that  the psychology is more  wide,  because in the blog will talk about legal psychology, topic very important in now in chile.