Wednesday, September 24, 2014

In psychology there are several authors  that talk about culture shock, for example Kohls, he talking    that is a  "the most pronounced reactions of psychological disorientation" that In general this it           present when a person change or meet to a very different culture. 

The cultures shock o in Chile is something that in the last time is taking more force because to Chile now is more attractive to immigrant, before did  not have much culture diversity. for example, many  Colombian people come north of Chile,  in general of black  skin this situation  generate problems     with some  chilean person a day in the in the news the Chilean women argued against Colombian    women, said that they took away their husbands and were traffickers this is an example  cultural       shock that   is occurring in Chile, many times prejudice. 


I never experienced a cultural shock in general I relate to people very similar to me and when I met    people from other cultures gives me a lot of curiosity and never experienced a  psycholorical             disorientation I like cultural diversity. 


  1. The situation in the north of country, is very difficult, represent a great cultural shock.

  2. I don´t know so much about the colombian people, but i think that as we learn more about un "other", more we approach a more comprehensive and complete society.
    We need to know more about the all people. Maybe the chilean people don´t travel for a very long time. And the understanding it´s necessary.
