Friday, May 9, 2014

Hello audience:

My presentation will be about “the forensic interview”, the forensic interview is a technique used for legal psychology.  

The start I am indecisive about the topic, but the good  think and I chose this topic because first I like the legal Psychology, every the topic related are interesting for me, and second because this technique is part important of psychological report that it will be used as “means of legal evidence”.

In my presentation speak about the characters the forensic interview, the type the validate question, of your four phase and speak of your four importance. I think that my presentation it will be in this order, although I am not secure, because still I am work in your contents.

The interview is use as technique in many scope the psychology in clinical for example, for that it are used for legal psychology have to accomplish with specific characteristics, because a bad interview could close a case.

I hope you like this topic that hear me, because I will do my better effort for make to good presentation.



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